Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Fast and Furious

The best part of the newest movie in the car-racing-action genre is the scene where Michelle Rodriguez's character dies.

Cause I really don't like Michelle Rodriquez. "Oh look at me, I'm a tought latino chick! I'm gonna mess you up in every movie or tv show I've ever been in!"

This movie is charged with:
Being more of the same, with a predictable twist... the bad guy boss is actually the bad guy henchman! Equilibrium did it way better.

Other cinema where Michelle Rodriguez dies:
Resident Evil
Lost Season 2
In Halo 2 she voices a few NPC marines, which die often.
She probably dies in Bloodrayne and the Breed, which I don't recommend you watch.

Maybe she'll die in Avatar! That would be wonderful!

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Great Buck Howard

This movie is about doing what you love. If you ever need a push in the “get the hell out of that office job and do something you love” kick in the ass, Hollywood has got you covered. This movie ranks high amongst those other "follow your dreams" movies. The story starts with a young man dropping out of college, because he hates it, and following his dream to become a writer. Turns out writing is not gonna pay the bills and he needs to find a job. Enter Buck Howard, Once staple on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, who has posted an ad in the paper looking for a road manager. The two embark on a tour across the united states performing to the few fans who are still interested in the kind of performance Buck offers. A love story is thrown in and there are all kinda quirky things that happen along the way. It all builds up once buck is admitted to the hospital after reading a horrible article about him self, turns out any press is good press and he is back on top. The story continues to a happy ending of sorts that sums up the idea that good times or bad life has a way of working out when your off doing what you love.


4/5 new channels providing more coverage of your death then ever of you life but hey any press is good press right

Charged with:

Making a relevant fun movie about not really being relevant anymore

Father and sons playing fathers and sons in moves oh how clever of the hanks family

Wishing you had stayed in law school when unlike buck you don't have a small town America following to fall back on because your a writer. Remember there no writer D list, just unemployed

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Robot Chicken Star Wars Episode 2

As you've no doubt noticed our updates are sporadic and follow no set schedule. This is because we are real people with lives. Sometimes we only have a small window to watch a movie and write the review, so posting at earliest convenience, instead of "Every week at this time" makes much more sense for us. Keep an eye on our twitters to know when something is changing, or check back Sunday and Tuesday evenings. If we haven't posted reviews by then for a movie you were looking forward to, we either thought "I'd rather castrate myself than watch that" or we had family emergencies. Here's a note from my doctor:

Robot Chicken Star Wars Special Episode 2

Overall, this suspect is pretty good. I love Star Wars, and Robot Chicken can usually get a good laugh out of me. But, if you’re a fan of the series, and watch the show, you’ve probably already seen 90% of the sketches on the DVD. The rest you’ll be able to easily find on YouTube.

Let’s be honest, you won’t listen to the director’s commentary. The bonus features, like the making of, are okay, but you can pretty much imagine what the process is anyways, and there aren’t any real deleted scenes to check out.

Charged with: being a waste of plastic. Just put the special on TV or release online. Stop grubbing our money Seth Green! You have enough action figures; EBay could support you and your future offspring for decades.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Che - Part I

This biopic is about that dude who everybody had on their tshirt in 2004.

And I just earned a new sort of respect for the man. Ernesto "Che" Guevara was known as a revolutionary, a doctor, a soldier, and a murderer. To some he was a hero and to others he was a monster. Steven Soderbergh and Benicio Del Toro bring this ambiguity to life with a Che shrouded in mystery, of few words making powerful statements. In one scene Del Toro convinces us to take Che's side in the revolution, and in the next, you wonder if his intentions weren't for Cuba's best.

It's a remarkable and meandering study of a real life figure of the revolution, which one might argue justifies the incredible length of the movie. Part 1 itself runs about 135 minutes, much of it taking the form of an interview with Lisa Howard, where we don't even hear Che's voice, instead an interpreter speaks for him in english. The action is interspersed. As much as the revolution was bloody, violent and explosive, this is not an action movie.

I will actually guarantee that a majority of you would find this movie boring, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't give it a try. What you stand to learn from this film (and the sequel, due out in a couple of months) will greatly outweigh a similarly timed trist with say... a transforming robot sequel.

For instance, did you know Che had asthma? Or Benicio Del Toro's moustache has a part in the middle right between the nose (like mine)? Speaking of moustaches, this movie will be my personal nomination for my upcoming "Moustache Awards." If you know a movie sporting some rad moustaches, drop me a line via our email moviepolicereviews@gmail.com, or twitter me (officertango).

Right, yes. Watch Che, watch the sequel when it comes out, and never, ever, ever listen to a word Sean Penn has to say, he is overly obsessed with coming up with a famous quote.

Also, at the bottom of my page of notes, someone has scribbled inappropriate things about a girl I know, but it wasn't me.

Che is charged with:
Being really fucking long.

Che is commedated with:
18 out of a possible 21 gun salute.

Beach Kings

Does everyone here remember Ski Patrol and Top Gun? Now what happens when you combine the plot of ski patrol and the Gay (not in a bad way) volleyball scene from Top Gun? A Gay (not in a bad way) movie about showing up those guys in the nice shiny sponsored uniforms with a “gets the girl” love story thrown in to try and make it seem less gay. (not in a bad way) Now that sounds like a bad review but it's not this movie is so bad its good, no one can act, the jokes are not funny and really beach volleyball can you pick any gayer (not in a bad way) sport to make a movie about. Another shinning point is that Erkel from TV's Family Matters is in this movie. (keep in mind not as erkel, unlike pee wee in back to the beach, now that was an awesome movie) If you're looking for a good comedy you will sadly disappointed, however if you're looking to laugh at a movie that has all the acting chops, scenes, and abs of a gay porn then this movie is for you (get your hand lotion ready boys)

Haunting in Connecticut

Another so called true story about paranormal brought to the big screen, well once on the big screen now on you smaller screen at home. I wanted to like this movie i really did, i wanted a dark twisted past that some junior detective kids find out about that all wraps up nicely in a epic good vs evil battle. (maybe even evil would win if i was lucky) What i got was plotted elements thrown in for the sake of being thrown in (recovering drunk as a dad that had nothing to do with the plot), The main character has cancer so he is already dead (how can you be scared for someone who is already dead? You Can't!!) and to top it off not one scary scene (ghosts in the mirrors are not scary, not the first time not the 1000th time neither are slamming doors or flying birds). The only good part of the whole movie was the sepia style used when telling the back story, now if only the back story was any good. If you're looking to jump out of your seat in terror or just to be creeped out, pass on this one.

Friday, July 10, 2009


For some reason I forgot to mention that in Push there's a scene where Dakota Fanning gets loaded and yells at people. This was hilarious, but way too short. Fingers crossed it shows up on youtube.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Holeee-man. This was a bad movie. I would say disappointing, but that would mean that I at one point had some hope for it.

Basically, Push is Jumper, but with a 13 year old instead of Summer from the O.C. so you can't drool over babe-ness for the whole movie. There are some super powered guys who use voice-over narration to explain a rediculously simple plot. There are some super powered guys never use their super powers when they would actually be useful. There are some super powered guys played by people who had a chance at a real movie career but blew it thanks to two super hero movies too many (looking at you Chris Evans).

Also, the ending is quite literally "So we killed all the henchmen but the boss is still out there, what do we do now Dakota Fanning?"
"I don't know Human Torch, we'll find out next epsiode I guess."


Push is charged with a violation of the 10 minute rule. If I'm still not interested in what is happening or you annoy me enough to make me want to watch re-runs of Fraser within the first ten minutes, your movie loses the game.

If you liked Push, throw your dvd player in the garbage, your money should never be accepted anywhere movies are sold.
On the other hand, if you liked Jumper, Push is right up your alley, so save some time and throw your dvd player out now.



Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Unborn

The Unborn, more like the unboring, well minus the un. Yea this movie was not scary and not good. What would you do if you found out that you had a twin who was never born? well I'm pretty sure most of us would move on and realize that it is us who do the fetus killing not the other way around, not even if it's possessed by demons. Then again most of us and all our friends do not look like we are cut from the pages of an Abercrombie and Finch catalogue. The movies starts out with killer fetus's takes a left hand turn at the Holocaust and throws some creatures that are just derived from the ring and grudge (and please note those are crappy remakes of much better Asian films) for good measure. The acting is horrible but to make up for that they got some eye candy who spend a whole lot of the movie wearing little clothing. The `Eye Candy` definitely did not save the movie by any means but it did prevent me from turning it off right about the time the token freaky kid shows up. Speaking of freaky kids, this movie has them too, its like it took all the scary movie cliches over the past few years and just jumbled them into one movie and called it unoriginal....i mean unborn.

1.5 out 5 Holocaust jokes I made while watching this

Charged With:

Reminding me why i hate most horror film that have a budget of any sort

Making less attractive people say `well at least i don't have a fetus trying to kill me, but for those abs i might just be willing to`

Thing you'll like if you like this / If you liked these you'll like this:

The Ring

The Grudge


The Prodigy


Seriously this is an animated movie that falls short of the animation found in games for the original PlayStation. The voice work is horrible and not synced at all, the story is confusing and animated object appear and disappear all the time. I cannot even imagine an infant would find this enjoyable. do not rent this for your kids because the best i can tell when the box says "from the artists and animators of Shrek and a Sharks Tale" it means the ones who got fired because they lied about having talent or skills on their resume.


0 out of 5 crying children because this movies just made then lose all innocence

Charged With:

Being a waste of time

Young People Well You Know Whating

hile Browsing a little of itunes i came across something that took me as a bit of a surprise, turns out right now Young people fu**ing is the number 1 seller on itunes movie store. (or what ever its called) In honor of that my first review will be a retro review of Young people f**king .

Lets start out by saying that this movie is not for everyone actually it's not for allot of people because it touches a subject that scares allot of people, that topic is SEX. And not just sex but sex for the sake of sex, also know as the best damn kind. So to those of you out there who just like a good sexing now and again and also have great stories about all the fun and chaos the comes with it, this movies for you. The movie follows 4 couple (they are not really couples more just parings of people who are going to DO IT) who represent different situations that you could find your self in, in the name of sex. Funny things happen and there are a few touching moment and some god damn awesome friend sex to a pretty awesome soundtrack, what more could you ask for? I would go into more detail for you but in the case of this movie i think that's all that need to be covered its a great movie that is fun to watch. On a side note it is also probably not a bad idea to have this guy laying around on those nights that your trying to convince your hot "just friend" that friends with benefits is the way to go, or when you just don't know the right way to tell your boyfriend that you are bored and want introduce Mr strap-on to the bedroom.

Rating :
4 out of 5 possibilities you're not going to be best friends anymore come morning

Charged with:

Putting bad ideas in the heads of guy who think this is ever gonna happen between them and their hot (i can tell you anything your such a good friend) lady friend.

Making sex without pounding hip hop blaring on the stereo seem a little more suburban

Giving me faith the there can be great funny movies made about sex that do not only appeal the guys not getting any.

Thing you'll like if you like this / If you liked these you'll like this:

Zach And Miri Make A Porno


Knocked UP

Saturday, July 4, 2009

And So It Begins...

Welcome to our first case here at Movie Police Reviews! We’re excited to be starting this, and ecstatic you’re here, sharing a coffee and donut with us before you head out to your local Blockbuster or Pay per view service. Expect our website to undergo quite a few layout and design changes over the coming weeks as we adjust to the internet and play a bit more in photoshop. And now, without further ado:

This week I reviewed the new sci-fi thriller Knowing starring everyone’s favourite Nicholas Cage. It releases on DVD and bluray on Tuesday (July 7, 2009). You can view the trailer here.

Before I really start into it, know that I did not expect it to be in any way amazing. National Treasure and it’s obviously necessary sequel did not particularly entrance me. I definitely don’t hate Nicholas Cage, don’t think that. Despite the way his “neutral” face reminds me of a surprised, yet sleepy Keanu Reeves, I do enjoy a few of his movies (Adaptation, Lord of War, Weatherman, the Rock). He just seems to have this idea that he’s an action hero, and I don’t understand it (Con Air, National Treasure, Next, Ghost Rider).

So understand, that when I attempt to completely destroy any desire you may have to watch Knowing in the following paragraphs, it is not an attack on Nicholas Cage.

So this whole thing is about John, an MIT professor (this is at least the fourth time Nicholas Cage has played a guy named John... this time it become an obvious reference to the Christian Book of Revelations) and his kid Caleb (another biblical reference I found after some very quick googling, though with less relevance) finding a prophetic transcript in a time capsule, then trying to save the world.

(Their last name, Koestler, is shared with real life polymath author and anti-communist Arthur Koestler who wrote a few books on the paranormal, including some junk about coincidence and synchronicity)

The movie begins with an extended scene about a young girl, the movie’s adolescent prophet and the author of the transcript John later encounters. She is a loner, hears voices, and is rather pale. Also, the costume designer dressed her up to look exactly like one of the twins from Kubrick’s The Shining. While the creepy little girl thing COULD have worked, we are not watching a psychological horror film, we are watching a sci-fi action movie. Thus the first of many overused clichés poke’s us in the eye.

Next we meet a little boy for which it is impossible to empathize. He uses complicated words a child his age shouldn’t be able to pronounce, much less understand, and is otherwise obnoxious (more so than the regular nine year old anyways - supersmart child cliche!). Plus in this scene the subject of John’s religion is brought up. We are continually bashed over the head with it for the next 110 minutes to little effect. John also closely resembles another action movie scientist we’ve met recently (Dr. Robert Langdon of the Da Vinci Code... in case you were stumped - cliche).

Then blah, blah, blah, a series of events that the movie ties together by saying “Oh wow, look at this CRAZY coincidence(cliche)!” happen, and we are treated to my favourite scene of the movie, actually featuring the best explosion I’ve witnessed on the small screen for quite some time (followed, unfortunately, some the worst fake fire since the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and Nicholas Cage pretending to know what it’s like to stick his hands into a blazing flame.)

Also there are aliens. Or angels. One of the two, the movie is intentionally ambiguous and mysterious. Queue X-files theme. I chalk the whole thing up to scientology. In fact, immediately after watching I ran to Google to see if either the writers or Nicholas Cage himself were known quacks (and I was disappointed, Cage’s name does not appear on Wikipedia’s notable Scientologist list).

This alien/angel thing I actually find to be what makes this movie fall of the fence and into the mud. Thinking about it, the writers actually had some good things going. Biblical references, foreshadowing, interesting hooks, you want to know what those upcoming disaster’s are (and they are brutally satisfying to the action movie lover in me), but a line is crossed when John’s mission becomes an impossible task, and the “angeliens” cart off his kid in a future-tech Noah’s Ark.

A saving grace of the film could have been the more subtle foreshadowing and misdirection it employs, such as the missile shaped time capsule, the name of the school (William Dawes was one of the riders who, like Paul Revere, warned the Americans the British were on the way), and a few things John’s scientist friend says. Unfortunately, cliché and religious blather is tossed around like gossip in a hair salon.

For these violations, I'm going to have to take Knowing into custody. A hundred charges of assault with a boring weapon, and one count of Overly-long-ending-sequence. (Seriously, it felt longer than the ending of Close Encounters).

Monday, June 29, 2009


Expect our first review this weekend!
