Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Unborn

The Unborn, more like the unboring, well minus the un. Yea this movie was not scary and not good. What would you do if you found out that you had a twin who was never born? well I'm pretty sure most of us would move on and realize that it is us who do the fetus killing not the other way around, not even if it's possessed by demons. Then again most of us and all our friends do not look like we are cut from the pages of an Abercrombie and Finch catalogue. The movies starts out with killer fetus's takes a left hand turn at the Holocaust and throws some creatures that are just derived from the ring and grudge (and please note those are crappy remakes of much better Asian films) for good measure. The acting is horrible but to make up for that they got some eye candy who spend a whole lot of the movie wearing little clothing. The `Eye Candy` definitely did not save the movie by any means but it did prevent me from turning it off right about the time the token freaky kid shows up. Speaking of freaky kids, this movie has them too, its like it took all the scary movie cliches over the past few years and just jumbled them into one movie and called it unoriginal....i mean unborn.

1.5 out 5 Holocaust jokes I made while watching this

Charged With:

Reminding me why i hate most horror film that have a budget of any sort

Making less attractive people say `well at least i don't have a fetus trying to kill me, but for those abs i might just be willing to`

Thing you'll like if you like this / If you liked these you'll like this:

The Ring

The Grudge


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