Saturday, July 18, 2009

Robot Chicken Star Wars Episode 2

As you've no doubt noticed our updates are sporadic and follow no set schedule. This is because we are real people with lives. Sometimes we only have a small window to watch a movie and write the review, so posting at earliest convenience, instead of "Every week at this time" makes much more sense for us. Keep an eye on our twitters to know when something is changing, or check back Sunday and Tuesday evenings. If we haven't posted reviews by then for a movie you were looking forward to, we either thought "I'd rather castrate myself than watch that" or we had family emergencies. Here's a note from my doctor:

Robot Chicken Star Wars Special Episode 2

Overall, this suspect is pretty good. I love Star Wars, and Robot Chicken can usually get a good laugh out of me. But, if you’re a fan of the series, and watch the show, you’ve probably already seen 90% of the sketches on the DVD. The rest you’ll be able to easily find on YouTube.

Let’s be honest, you won’t listen to the director’s commentary. The bonus features, like the making of, are okay, but you can pretty much imagine what the process is anyways, and there aren’t any real deleted scenes to check out.

Charged with: being a waste of plastic. Just put the special on TV or release online. Stop grubbing our money Seth Green! You have enough action figures; EBay could support you and your future offspring for decades.

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