Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Young People Well You Know Whating

hile Browsing a little of itunes i came across something that took me as a bit of a surprise, turns out right now Young people fu**ing is the number 1 seller on itunes movie store. (or what ever its called) In honor of that my first review will be a retro review of Young people f**king .

Lets start out by saying that this movie is not for everyone actually it's not for allot of people because it touches a subject that scares allot of people, that topic is SEX. And not just sex but sex for the sake of sex, also know as the best damn kind. So to those of you out there who just like a good sexing now and again and also have great stories about all the fun and chaos the comes with it, this movies for you. The movie follows 4 couple (they are not really couples more just parings of people who are going to DO IT) who represent different situations that you could find your self in, in the name of sex. Funny things happen and there are a few touching moment and some god damn awesome friend sex to a pretty awesome soundtrack, what more could you ask for? I would go into more detail for you but in the case of this movie i think that's all that need to be covered its a great movie that is fun to watch. On a side note it is also probably not a bad idea to have this guy laying around on those nights that your trying to convince your hot "just friend" that friends with benefits is the way to go, or when you just don't know the right way to tell your boyfriend that you are bored and want introduce Mr strap-on to the bedroom.

Rating :
4 out of 5 possibilities you're not going to be best friends anymore come morning

Charged with:

Putting bad ideas in the heads of guy who think this is ever gonna happen between them and their hot (i can tell you anything your such a good friend) lady friend.

Making sex without pounding hip hop blaring on the stereo seem a little more suburban

Giving me faith the there can be great funny movies made about sex that do not only appeal the guys not getting any.

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Knocked UP

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