Monday, July 20, 2009

The Great Buck Howard

This movie is about doing what you love. If you ever need a push in the “get the hell out of that office job and do something you love” kick in the ass, Hollywood has got you covered. This movie ranks high amongst those other "follow your dreams" movies. The story starts with a young man dropping out of college, because he hates it, and following his dream to become a writer. Turns out writing is not gonna pay the bills and he needs to find a job. Enter Buck Howard, Once staple on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, who has posted an ad in the paper looking for a road manager. The two embark on a tour across the united states performing to the few fans who are still interested in the kind of performance Buck offers. A love story is thrown in and there are all kinda quirky things that happen along the way. It all builds up once buck is admitted to the hospital after reading a horrible article about him self, turns out any press is good press and he is back on top. The story continues to a happy ending of sorts that sums up the idea that good times or bad life has a way of working out when your off doing what you love.


4/5 new channels providing more coverage of your death then ever of you life but hey any press is good press right

Charged with:

Making a relevant fun movie about not really being relevant anymore

Father and sons playing fathers and sons in moves oh how clever of the hanks family

Wishing you had stayed in law school when unlike buck you don't have a small town America following to fall back on because your a writer. Remember there no writer D list, just unemployed

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