Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Haunting in Connecticut

Another so called true story about paranormal brought to the big screen, well once on the big screen now on you smaller screen at home. I wanted to like this movie i really did, i wanted a dark twisted past that some junior detective kids find out about that all wraps up nicely in a epic good vs evil battle. (maybe even evil would win if i was lucky) What i got was plotted elements thrown in for the sake of being thrown in (recovering drunk as a dad that had nothing to do with the plot), The main character has cancer so he is already dead (how can you be scared for someone who is already dead? You Can't!!) and to top it off not one scary scene (ghosts in the mirrors are not scary, not the first time not the 1000th time neither are slamming doors or flying birds). The only good part of the whole movie was the sepia style used when telling the back story, now if only the back story was any good. If you're looking to jump out of your seat in terror or just to be creeped out, pass on this one.

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